If you are a newcomer in the printing industry, you have probably heard of the term ‘compatibles’ and are wondering what it means. Those with some experience in this area may be aware of compatibles but have no idea about the varieties involved. A compatible is an ink cartridge or laser toner cartridge. It is created by a party other than the original printer manufacturer and is often cheaper. Lower prices do not always translate to poor quality. Inksave provides you with compatibles that are of high quality with equal page yield.
Types of compatible inkjet cartridges
Compatibles are of two categories. The first one is referred to as remanufactured, while the second is known as compatible. Remanufactured inkjet cartridges are cartridges that are recycled after the originals run out of ink. Inksave offers remanufactured inkjet cartridges that are cheaper, offering you up to 300% more life than original branded goods.
Compatible inkjet cartridges, on the hand, are cartridges made by companies such as Inksave that offer you high-quality prints. These compatible cartridges offer you durable tanks with more ink as opposed to branded cartridges. They are cheaper than the original brands since they do not carry any manufacturers’ logo. They also work perfectly with canon, hp and brother inkjet printers. Some Epson owners may, however, find it challenging to use the compatible cartridges since some post-April 2008 printers are incompatible with this type of cartridge.
Laser toner compatibles
Compatibles also exist in laser toner cartridges. Inksave offers you compatible laser toner cartridges made in high tech factories that provide quality prints with the same or higher page yields as branded toner cartridges. Laser toner cartridges can also be recycled, giving rise to remanufactured laser toner cartridges. These remanufactured cartridges are filled to the maximum capacity and have matching toner powder.
With such compatibles from Inksave, you are assured of reliable, low cost and durable service.